Sunday, March 17, 2019



As many people in the rainbow nation are probably aware of the controversy that took place in 2015/16 about student-led protests on the increase of tuition fees in tertiary institutions. The debate included many other issues that felt needed to be addressed. For more on the hashtag as well as the the other issues that needed to be addressed please visit the link below and strap your boots...

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Free Education
Social Media is a very powerful tool to spread messages and/or hashtags that one feels should be talked about. Hashtags give people a "road map" on the issues they need to discuss and this has worked well for public relations practitioners. The #FeesMustFall movement created a hype on most if not all social media platforms. This had its advantages as well as its disadvantages. The use of social media helped with communicating as well as spreading the hashtag nationwide but at the same time, the fact that anyone could say anything whenever and wherever created a crisis for public relations practitioners. It made the situation that much more difficult to keep contained.

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Social Media Riots

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Amidst the mayhem, this could have somewhat been considered an opportunity for public relations practitioners because that meant more crisis to resolve which in turn may provide meticulous work experience in handling such delicate matters. With that being said, it also provided challenges on how to fix the issue and challenges that came with it.
Strategic recommendations for the use of social media had to be implemented. These recommendations would include having a public relations representative/s for each institution whose sole purpose would have been to address and communicate issues raised about their institution on social media as well as address other issues that were generalized. Having a social media representative who has good people skills and has a stellar way of handling social media issues without provoking, insulting or offending someone would have been beneficial.

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QUALITY EDUCATION DOES NOT COME FOR FREE PEOPLE! We want good education so we should pay for the resources that come with it. But in addition, tertiary institutions should not charge us as if their lives depend on-well maybe they do but come on we weren't born with silver spoons in our mouths so be reasonable.
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Tuesday, March 12, 2019


Gone are the days when the only probing done was when people pried into other people's businesses. Now probing has been taken to a more literal sense. Yes I am talking about #TestForProstrateCancer. Though rectal examination is not the only way to test for prostrate cancer it is certainly an option, a very uncomfortable and invasive option.

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The one and only common non-cutaneous  (for those of us not acquainted with deep medical terms, this means the only cancer that does not affect the skin) cancer and the second leading cause of cancer- related deaths in the United States. Rectal examination is not the only way to test for prostate cancer. Though one of them there are other more "scientific ways" to go about it.

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Some of the said challenges include choosing the right channels to use. In this case choosing the right channel might mean saving someones' life. Choosing the right channel will ensure that the public relations practitioner gets the message or awareness of #TestForProstateCancer to not only a wide audience but also the right audience Getting the message out there in this day and age is not enough anymore, you have to make sure you used the right channel out of hundreds of available channels. Another thing that may pose as a challenge is the fact that prostate cancer is more common in men 65 years of age and older so as a public relations practitioner we have to also consider the communication channels these old lads are acquainted with.

Along with the challenges comes the opportunities as well. New forms of communication have made things easier for public relations practitioners because with the new media things are faster and instant. It is easier and quicker to get feedback on matters so issues can be resolved which helps in better time management. No one has to write letters and travel all the way to post offices to be met by a feet numbing que.

#TestForProstateCancer is a very serious issue that I feel is given as much attention as it should. Honestly the world gives more attention to the Kardashians than a terminal disease that in my opinion should be rectified. Along with giving attention to #TestFor ProstateCancer, we also need to find a way to make people more aware.
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